Friday, June 26, 2009

Worst Week Ever!

This week has been too much! Monday.. .all those people lost their lives in the metro accident....& their families pain was enough to have me into a whole bottle of wine...after I sat on the train thanking God that all that happened to me was a 90 minute delay on the red line. I didn't know exactly why we were delayed. All our train operator said was, "something or someone was struck by a train." That shut everyone up about the delay because we were all just glad to not be involved in an accident. I didn't even see the wreckage until the walk home.

Later in the week read in the paper that Ed McMahon died at 86 (ok well he was old and prolly ready to go) but still it ain't happy news! Keep on trucking through the week and Farrah Fawcett dying at 62. OK that was a sad...her only child in jail and can't come and see her and her long time love finally proposing at a point where she can't even respond. I was shaking my head on the train when we stop in a tunnel and the lights and air conditioning turn off as we are delayed. So I'm bored and pull out my phone to see a million texts and get a phone call about the King of Pop going into cardiac arrest. WHAT!? Gone at 50. 50! Too young. I wasn't really sad at first. I figured he wasn't happy so it is better that he not suffer anymore. Same with the Charlie's Angel icon. All that pain to keep enduring would be too much for anyone. Ole Ed was the oldest and probably had the best and most normal personal life and the least amount of drama and controversy and of course fame.

So I am home looking up stuff and I found this quote about MJ:

By the early 1980's, he was deeply unhappy; Jackson explained, "Even at home, I'm lonely. I sit in my room sometimes and cry. It's so hard to make friends...I sometimes walk around the neighborhood at night, just hoping to find someone to talk to. But I just end up coming home."

And this is what broke me. This man was immensely blessed with talent and no one around him was his REAL friend. No one! So this just broke me up.

And what about the family left behind? Especially the kids. This week exposes the silliness and selfishness that people had been doing to make their kids lives difficult as the foolishness that it is. Not to mention the other kids/parents (John & Kate 8 children or that fool in South Carolina's 4 boys) in the news this week can actually do something about their situation unlike the finality of death. Kids have lost parents and parents have lost children. (Farrah's father did visit her recently at 91 he has outlived both of his daughters)

That being said I'm glad I got friends. I can't moon walk. No one wants to see me in a pin-up in a one piece orange swimsuit. I can't sing and dance at the same time and put on a show. My hair may have never set fashion trends. I am happy and I always have friends to talk to. But I think out of all the tragedies have happened this week I will take the positive notes that I can find.
  1. The driver, Jeanice McMillan, of the train that crash (who some speculated was using her phone) did die in the accident but her action of paying attention and applying the brakes saved lives. She is a fallen Hero.
  2. There has been an outpouring of love and prayer for those who lost their lives and loved ones in Monday's tragic accident. People are still capable of sympathy and empathy.
  3. It seems people are putting a greater value on friendship...I mean Farrah and MJ's deaths are tragic and when you think of them you think of tumultuous relationships...ole Ed think of him & his pal Johnny and him living till a ripe old age of 86 with family friends and loved ones. This is a reality check for our priorities in life.
  4. We are responsible to our friends to help them be the best they can be and not let them go into self destruction mode.
  5. People are (if only for a temporary period of time) seeing the value of life and living life in every moment. Not waiting for someone you love to fall ill before you express love (or propose marriage)
  6. Every age group can identify with the American celebrities that have left us to hopefully a better place and reminisce on the soundtrack or laugh track or backdrop to our individual lives.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Bull Riding!

I have long since been a casual follower of bull riding. Normally I cheer for the bull. This Saturday night, me and some home-girls decided to get up on that to speak and ride a mechanical bull. I guess growing up across the street form cow pasture must have giving me the vision that I could stay atop that damn machine. That and watching Debra Winger in Urban Cowboy be all sessy (yes I MEANT to spell it that way) on that thang! I envisioned me a chocolate version of that......but as I watched chick after chick try to be all sexy and not even be able to get on the thing....I decided I didn't want to be sexy. I wanted to NOT be totally embarrassed! So I watched the like 4 out of 30 folks who actually stayed on for some amount of time. The were not sexy they just tried to hold on. Now one lady looked to be crack-ish and I think that gave her an unfair advantage. One person was an athletic looking dude. For some reason every other dude who got up on that was portly. You already big why you tryna ride some bull with shades on after a couple beers in a dark room? Too fly! and so that is what he his monkey as off that bull! So finally my crew all decided if oe is going all are going. We did alright. Some of us were a bit tipsy so they did fall off quickly but they did look cute when falling! lol. One girl actually got her stank self up there with a skirt on and low and be hold (a sort one...some other nice lady had on a really long stretchy skirt as not to offend) back tot eh skank...all her bid-ness in the street! No DRAWERS!!!! All I can say on that is why you want your stuff all on that nasty bull? Now she prolly on you tube! But she was there with her man and she had a nice body so I guess if you got to go out like that it is better that the assets you are displaying are not ....well depreciated! Me? I held on a good lil while. had to make myself fall off cu I was too scared to let go of the rope! lol.I could hold on but I just got dizzier and wanted OFF. I kept yelling STOP STOP but I don't think I was very intelligible! All was well though, I stayed on and my bootie meat did not show one bit! My mama would have been proud of her lil country girl.
Yee. Haw!


Opening sequencing was hot to death.
Rest of the movie was the worst in life with an honorable mention of Hugh Jackman's butt in one scene.
That is all.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Flirting With Danger

Since I don't sleep very well...I normally have a hell of a time waking up.
And If I don't remember why I am waking up early I will hit the snooze and sleep until my heart is content. Well this morning as per usual I set my alarm clock and my cell phone. I normally sleep with my cell phone as the loudness an vibration gets to me better than my clock radio. Well this morning as I was diving back into bed I didn't realize I'd left my cell on my pillow.....and it was waiting for my eyeball. Therefore I have jsut attempted to give myself a black eye. Now I started this blog before I even looked in the mirror. I could very well be a one eyed wonder for the day. So the moral of the story is if you sleep with sharp objects in your bed be careful when you dive in. I may not have a visible black eye but I know......this joint is throbbing!

Monday, March 16, 2009

earrings, mules, crop rotation .....oh and tattoos

Approaching my last birthday I decided to do something that I had wanted for quite some time.
I had wanted for years....a decade at least...a tattoo. I knew w
hich design I wanted for about 7 years or so and I did delay to make sure what I wanted would not change. I chose African symbols. I'm black and I think it is ridiculous when brothers or sisters are walkign around with some other culture's symbols on them instead of embracing their own heritage of peoples. I also hate bad weaves but I digress.... The symbols I chose represent acquired wisdom from experience and the grace and importance of faith in God.

Needless to say I gave a lot of thought to what I want and I did NOT want something frivolous to be on me forever more. Still I wasn't trying to walk around with billboard saying hey I got this awsome tattoo...cuz that would be lame, but I did tell some folks...which brings me to the point of this post...but I had to give the background of it all!

So I told an individual that I had at tattoo and the reaction from this child (she is a tac my junior) was, "why would you do that and defile your body...I mean it is your temple!!!!!"
Now this person has 2 tattoo but that was before a rebirth into a saved & sanctified (hallellujah) relationship with our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. My response was because I don't believe in all that shit. Now let me clarify......I believe that Jesus is my personal savior. What I don't pay attention to is all the extra. All the little petty things that characterize us as humans that we all want to put on God. So I was offended on more than one level by this response.

Number one, it isn't something that is clear as day that to have a tattoo is un Christ like or Godly.

Number two, as Christians we are set apart from the Jews who live under the law of the old testament. Hence Christians eating BBQ Ribs.

Number three one thing that I find NOT Christlike is being judgmental...especially when the judge is not obeying every other fake .... I mean frivolous law. Let me say also that I respect this individual for her faith walk but I'm sure she has no idea how judgemental she came off nor how that behavior is to me not Christlike. Far worse than my tats. Romans 14:13 says, "let us stop passing judgment on one another." But seriously, one obeys all the laws in the Old Testament.

Leviticus 19:28 does states, "Do not cut your bodies for the dead, and do not mark your skin with tattoos. (
um tattoo wasn't even a word but you know folks "translate" the bible to make it mean what they want) Other things that were called out in the bible in Leviticus right next to marking one's self (which was direction given as not to confuse the people of God with those performing acts of heathen worship so does it still apply if you are tattooing a big mac on your shoulder because you love mickeyD's..I think NOT!) are listed below:
  • 19:19 You are to keep My statutes. You shall not breeed together 2 kinds of cattle (oooooh Mules are OUT!!); you shall not sow your field with 2 kinds of seed (corn year green beans, no sugar can...just corn) nor wear a garment upon you of two kinds of material mixed together. (Finally a verse that bands those 2 ugly susters....Poly and Ester!)
  • 19: 26, "Do not eat meat that has not been drained of its blood," you could read that to exclude non kosher or rare steak....
  • 19: 27, "Do not trim off the hair on your temples or trim your beards." ZZ top round this joint
  • Exodus 23:19, Exodus 34:26, and Deuteronomy 14:21 "You shall not boil a young goat in its mother's milk" No Cheese burgers :-(

Now for my long long rant!
  1. First of all, regardless of what is agreed upon by the masses on tattoos, body piercings, cursing or swing dances, why do we put the petty things that are important to us as people in our various cultures on God and what God wants, expects or cares deeply about. I don't pretend to know myself but one thing I do know is people are petty. We care about the unimportant. Do we really think that someone will make it to the after life and God will condemn them to the depths of Hell because when they stubb their toe they say shit instead of shucks? Really? Seriously? Whatever ou all means that it hurt and shocked me all at once and I am expeiencing an extreme emotion right this second due to my physical state. Personally, I thought Jesus came to teach us to not be all about tradition and religious repitition and to focus on loving one another and what is in our hearts. One can be tattooless, un-pierced, never cursed, eat only Kosher and never listened to secular music but be a HATER. Now on the outside this person has followed all the rules. Letter of the "law". But hate is in your heart you are not trying to really be like Christ. If you don't have pure love...that Jesus kind of love and let that be your inspiration for your acts. We should all take a note from Jill Scott's golden and want God to be proud of us. I don't like to refer to God as a he (or she) because that would give God the petty characteristics of men and women. Now we may have been made in God's image but likely God is without our foolishness!
  2. As Christian I have always been taught that I am free from old testament law. Not that I think the old testament should be ignored. The bible is a life guide for and old testaments. The Bible says, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16). I was always taught that is partially why Christians are saying we are FREE. Free from bondage of tha law. Free from sin because we have Jesus. Free from the damnation & punishment we would sure withstand under the old laws (at the hands of other mankind no doubt) Ceremonial laws (sacrifice and temple worship) were fulfilled by Christ and the ultimate sacrafice. We can learn form the laws but we are not bound by the letter of them all. I mean who is going up on mounts killing goats these days? The civil laws were the law of the land and given specific to the nation of Israel at the time. I live in the district...and while the crack heads make it seem like is not anywhere near Israel. Then there is the moral law that is to be obeyed by the heart. This is what we should concern ourselves with. Not tattoos, fake contact lenses, bad weaves (which I've always considered a serious SIN but that's just me...I'm praying myself out of that), four letter words, ghetto/tacky behavior, gold teefuses, interracial dating, long skirts, drinking wine (bout to get me some in a minute) and looking pious. Our right standing before God comes from placing our trust in Jesus’ death on the cross to pay for our debts, not on following the Old Testament regulations. Galatians 3:24-25 "Therefor the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith. But not that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor.
  3. Why do Christians think it is so ok to be so judgemental? WHY? Just accept that if something convicts you that is just YOU. Don't put it on everyone else. Just because you were an alcoholic does not mean that no one else can have wine with dinner without turning into lindsay lohan and flash everyone their snatchbox. Not to mention no one obeys every law anyway so how can you judge let alone voice this judgement indignantly to other people.
Ok I got to go...shit just stubbed my toe....guess I'll go have some wine to calm my nerves and snack on some babybel cheese with some sloppy joe mix I have before I rub lotion on my new tat before bed.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Dating in the '09

The roles have DEFINITELY changed in dating! I remember when you were looked at as a slut or something if you were known to give it up too early. Men say in mixed company, "...oh I don't judge a woman base on that, she is just mature and progressive in her sexuality. blah blah blah" Whatever. No dude wants to think his lady gives every dude she meets the same lovin he's gettin. He wants to feel...special. "She only a freak for big daddy"..... "I taught her that" Now you have girls not even a full 15 years of age taking pictures of their snap boxes and texting it to boys because they feel like if they don't, boys won't like them. Boys don't have to pursue anymore......the girls are all over it. Among the adults, men don't have to court you or show any interest in you other than talking to you...or really sending an occasional text. There is no woo & pursue. Then you wonder why when your knees get tired of chasing drawls and you get a little lady she has your balls in a jar by the nightstand. You got to pay the cost to be the boss. She courted you. She pursued you. Did all those freaky thangs she said she would only do for love...she did it for you. She wore you down man...and now she's the boss. Well since we the ladies are now in a new position I have taken to judging men like they used to do us. If a man even tries to get you to give it up on the first date....he shall be labeled a man whore. Good for nothing but physical jollies. Didn't want to take the time to get to know a girl or find out if she is diseased or just plain crazy? You clearly don't display good judgment skills. Most men don't mind this so it is a win win situation. Well not if you don't give up what Steve Harvey calls the cookie. Or God forbid the man actually thinks this is a good way to start a meaningful relationship. I for one will never take a man seriously after he displays his man whorish ways on an early date. And I will further be like the men of yore by not disclosing this fact to any man even if they ask. Hey if we got to have the balls and the boobs we might as well use them both for only our advantage.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Resolutions...they live on & on

Well at an attempt to stick with the idea of keeping new year's resolutions through the whole year I am going to give some order to my blogging and hope .....HOPE that I can mirror this organization in my life over all. It may change but I did such an extensive job of creating my resolutions that I owe it to myself to do all I can to maintain them. So each blog will have a lil (and I mean tiny most of the time) something on the areas that I've decided to work on and I will end it with my random thoughts (not so tiny). My areas are the same as everyone else's and my goals are not earth shattering but hey...if it can help me keep order and develop new habits then I am down for it! Here goes.

Areas of Interest in the '09:

Weight Management
Well I have scoured the internet (okay I Googled for like 30 minutes) and I have not found any groundbreaking approaches to this topic. So I am stuck with eating right and exercising. Thinking boxing...great conditioning and I get to punch win sit-chee-ation! We shall see if I get smaller or just stop caring!

Spiritual Management
Looking for a church that is quick, big on the "word" as my mama would say, heavy in community service and non-distracting members. Also needs some soulful & progressive tunes with young-ish members. Sounds simple....not quite....I have a list though....

Money Management
Got that Suze Orman free book! Have yet to crack it open though. I know the first step is to track. Man all I know is I eat out a lot! Fasting could be the new "it"!

Career Advancement
Does buying lottery tickets count? no huh....

Time Management
Got a a few even more books. Trying to figure out how to employ my outdated hand held palm, my physical calendar, and my work and home desktop calendars to all work together. I need an efficient routine. Trying to, "use what I got to get what I want"...i,e, use the old gadgets until I save up enough and get efficient enough to get and use new gadgets!

Random Thoughts
Dating in the '09
Men and women seemed to have switched places.....Remember when a men had to show interest and I don't meant a random text message every few weeks to keep you on the radar non pursuing spoiled men with no balls!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

New Routines!Less Cable & Less Facebook = More Working Out & More Organized

As the New Year becomes old, the resolutions have become nothing more than notes jotted down on paper that now has mysteriously disappeared. And the will to completes such goals? Also gone. I mean I wrote a whole book including the normal things that we all work on. I think the goals are overwhelming and so I decided to break each one down into baby steps. That seems to be the concept that keeps coming to mind. One thing that I am struggling with is a daily routine that is constructive, time savvy, and suitable for me enough for it to come natural for me.

The whole reason for this? Fit in all the things I want to do in a day so that I can accomplish that many goals that I've set for myself. I decided to workout in the morning. Ok let me back up. My goal is to be able to zip up all the pants I own without feeling like a can of grands muffins, cuz that mess hurts. So in an endeavor to fit working out into my schedule I decided to switch my workout around to start my day off right. This means getting up earlier and most of not wasting time stalling agains the pain I KNOW the smith machine is going to inflict upon these legs that have been avoiding the gym for 6 months. Time wasted on Facebook, which is a time consumer but I love it so! Time wasted watching repeat episodes of Law & Order. So I say off with cable! Off to the gym! Create a new routine!

So today I started the routine of blogging in the morning instead of logging onto Facebook. I still will log on. But I am intrigued by blogging and how people find the time to do it faithfully! My blogging goal? Once a week. So today is a rare occaision where I shall post just thoughts. No links to favorite products. No links to music I am feeling right now. My normal routine (I hope) is to write on Tuesdays and post on Fridays. So I will write and edit one blog over a week. Cuz I am wordy and I like to add links and that takes time. I need to record such goals so they don't turn in to wisps of paper that fade away right along with new patterns and goals I never achieve.